Saturday, May 26, 2007, 1:17 AM
To dearest seniors
Deb and
Hazel with love.
Pink and gay flowers for bimbotic Sarah.

Bright and scary sunflowers for Deb who gives us weird stares when we mention ___ ___.

Crimson roses for Hazel who doesn't do younger men.
Thanks so much for all the love, care and concern you've showered on us, from the very first day in SN debate till the time you guys had to step down. Thanks for taking time of your busy schedules to come down and support us, and for the apples in Winnie the Pooh bags. You guys have left us so many pleasing and fun memories. Thanks for being a teacher, a senior, and a friend. Words can't express the love you've given generously to us, words can't describe the valuable lessons you've taught us, words can't measure up to how great you guys are. You will definitely be missed, and I'm already missing you guys now. We love you.